Monday, September 2, 2019

Recovery Edit #1 (Learning to Ollie, Again)

Sat 8/31. Fourth time back on the board since breaking my leg in May.


A cynic might say, “Wow, your skating has been reduced to that?” I’ll take the opposite view. This is what its RISEN to. Six weeks ago I couldn’t walk w/o crutches, let alone stand on skateboard. I won’t lie. It’s very frustrating to loose so much (and not know if it will EVER come back), but the situation is what it is. At least I’m rolling.

Right now It would be a miracle if could ever again (1) do any kind of flip trick, (2) 50/50 a bench, (3) ride a ramp 3’ or taller, (4) be able to run/jog.

It is hard to ollie up a small curb right now. Pushing is difficult. I still walk with an acute limp. The fakie ollies in the clip were a real struggle. The b/s blunt was a big. Tried one the other day and just collapsed to the ground in pain. Too much sudden weight on my front foot, and I just drop like Whitney Houston in a hotel bathroom (hence the pads, which I’ll be rocking for the foreseeable future). I’m also bringing back the ‘80s “ankle pad” look. That’s right where the break/surgery/metal plate/scar tissue was/is. The scar is still super sensitive. That spot is very prone for board wacks, and I definitely don’t want a direct hit to the hardware in my leg. That would be bad.

So, that’s where I’m at with everything. Hopefully the future “Recovery Edits” will show some meaningful improvement. Again, thanks to everyone for the support and encouragement. I’ve come pretty far, but there is still a long road ahead of me.

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